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Thanks for stopping by. About Michael Miget...


Michael Miget


I’m Michael Miget, the founder of Shelter Mortgage, Inc. and creator of the “Better Home Financing” system and strategies. I am a native St. Louis resident and I’ve spent the last 27 years applying my home loan expertise in mortgage, real estate and finance.

My passion is helping people just like you make educated, wise, and confident decisions in order to minimize the costs of buying, paying for/financing and owning a home.

I work very closely with all my clients, as well as top real estate agents and their clients, during the home buying process.

I specialize in developing personalized home loan solutions designed to optimize your financing needs. My company is fast, we make the process simple and we can offer the lowest mortgage rates available anywhere.

I will teach and offer you strategies that minimize needed down payments while avoiding PMI, which can cut your mortgage in 1/2 (or more). This “Early Mortgage Payoff” method I teach is not only available to home buyers, it’s also available on a refinance mortgage (and cash-out) as well.

There is a better way to finance your home, let me and my company show you how.

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